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    WingleSoft is dedicated to protect privacy of individuals and securing the personal data made accessible to us when you come to
    This privacy policy designates what information/data is made available to the WingleSoft and other third parties when you visit, and how we use and stores that information.
    We may update or revise this online privacy policy if any change is made in it.
    You are encouraged to revisit our website to check if any change has been done in privacy policy.

    Information received and stored when you visit

    • By visiting the WingleSoft website, certain information, such as (IP) addresses, navigation trend on website, time spent, the software used, any other information will be stored in our server. The received information will only be utilized internally for traffic analysis on website.
    • If you give any information such as name, your email address, postal address will only be used for enhancing our services. It will not be be made public, disclosed or sold elsewhere.
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